This summer, as the university changes learning environments from Blackboard to Brightspace, it is possible that if you have resits you will be expected to submit your assignment in Brightspace.
NB: This year, because of the special circumstances of the move from Blackboard to Brightspace, you will also hear from your Unit lecturer /Module Leader (by email) about the way your resit will take place.
This guide, which is designed to supplement the information you receive by email from your Unit lecturer /Module Leader, covers all the practical details of how to manage this process successfully, and where you can get support.
Blackboard closes: July 31st
Resit submission deadline: August 9th
The process
First, you will be informed by email that you have a resit and that you will be expected to submit in Brightspace.
You will be automatically added to a Brightspace site where you will submit your resit assignment.
The module will look like the picture opposite (click to enlarge).
- Its title will be composed of the unit/module code (as it was in Blackboard), the unit/module name, with the word RESIT at the end.
- It will only have one item in the Table of Contents, which will say ‘Please submit your assignment here’.
- This is where you will submit your assignment. To do this, in Brightspace, you'll click on the picture and follow the instructions.
Check that you can see your resit module
To locate your resit module, use the Select a course waffle icon at the top of the screen either search for the module from the dropdown list, or by name (opposite).
Click on the appropriate module name and make sure you can see where you are expected to submit your assignment.
The deadline for assignment submissions is August 9th.
Download study materials from Blackboard
To do this:
- log into Blackboard;
- visit the unit/module you are resitting; and
- download the materials you want.
Units and modules will differ in terms of what they contain and how they are set up but most likely you should look first in the Learning resources area.
Downloading items such as PowerPoints, PDFs and Word documents can differ depending on how they were uploaded to Blackboard. Below are some examples and instructions on how to download.
If content has been uploaded as a file item, it will feature a file icon like the one shown opposite. Simply clicking on the item’s name will download it to your computer.
However, if you see an item that lists ‘Attached files’, right-click on the file name and select ‘Save link as’ – this should allow you to download the item (opposite).
If your course materials are in the form of html packages you will not be able to download them by opening them or right-clicking on the file name. However, if the package was created by the UHI Educational Development Unit, you should be able to download a PDF version of it.
To do this: open the package and click on the ‘i’ in the top-right corner of the screen. In that area you should see a tab called PDF, where you can download a pdf version of the whole resource (opposite).
If this is not available in your resource, you may need to ask your teacher to provide an offline version of the package.
Viewing your Turnitin® similarity score and originality report
When using Turnitin®, your instructor can opt to make the Turnitin® similarity score and originality report available to you after you have submitted the assignment. If your instructor has set your assignment up this way and allows multiple submissions per assignment folder, you can use the information from the originality report to revise and resubmit your assignment. Please note that when you resubmit your assignment, the system takes 24 hours to update your initial similarity score and originality report. This means that if you would like to use your updated score and report to revise your submission and resubmit it again, you should submit any previous drafts well ahead of the due date.
For more guidance on how you will be able to see your similarity score and originality report, follow the steps below.
How you will be able to see your similarity score and access your originality report
Once you have submitted your assignment in Brightspace, you will need to navigate to the assignments tool to access your similarity score and originality report.
You can get to the assignment area via ‘Course Tools’ by simply selecting ‘Assignments’ from the drop-down menu.
(If you are in the assignments area already, simply stay there and follow the steps below.)
Once you are in the assignments area, you will be able to see the assignment folder (1) and your submission (2).
You will also be able to see further information such as the score once the assignment has been marked, the evaluation status which is also where you will be able to access your feedback from, and the due date.
To see your similarity score and originality report, you will need to click on your submission.
This will open the submission history area where you can see your assignment, Turnitin® similarity score as well as submission date and time.
To see further details and your originality report, you will need to click on the similarity score.
This will open the Turnitin® feedback studio in a new window.
You can now see details about your similarity report by using the different options in the red similarity menu on the right-hand side.
In the similarity menu on the right-hand side, you can see an overview of all similarity matches (1), as well as an overview of all sources that your matches came from (2).
Your results will be available to you via UHI Records.
Support is available to you throughout the resit process. There are two main sources of support:
- UHI Servicedesk – perfect for technical questions, e.g. about downloading learning materials from Blackboard or submitting your resit assignment to Brightspace. You can contact the Servicedesk by phone, email, live chat or by using their self-service portal.
- Local contacts - There will be at least one, if not more, member of staff available at every partner college available over the summer break to support you if you are having issues with submitting resits in Brightspace. The link above will take you to a page where you can find their contact details.