If you have Lecturer (or Module Leader) access to multiple sites on Brightspace, there is a quick and easy way to copy content from one unit or module (including sandboxes) to another.
You can do this by using the Import/ Export/ Copy Course Components function from within Course Administration (shown in Figure 1 opposite).
Important note: Licensed materials, copyright, etc.
When adding material to Brightspace sites, all content that is owned by third parties (from images to reusable learning objects obtained from the internet or elsewhere) must be referenced, even if the owner of the material states that no attribution is required. Enough information must be provided for such objects to ensure that:
- Any licencing conditions are met.
- It is possible to trace the content back to its source.
When copying materials, which may have been added to Brightspace by someone other than yourself, please pay careful attention to any mention of local (AP) license statements (these could relate to course materials or assessments) and make sure that in copying you are not breaching any licensing conditions.
If you are in doubt about how to treat any item of content, please email:
Start by logging into the unit/module you want to copy content into.
Then go to Course Tools > Course Admin > Import/Export/Copy Components.
Check the Copy Components from another Org Unit button, then search for the unit/module you want to copy from in the Course to Copy 'Search for offering' search box.
When you find the unit/module you want to copy from, check the button and click Add Selected.
A link has now been established. At the bottom of the screen select either Copy All Components or Select Components.
If you choose Select Components, you can select whole content areas or as little as 1 item.
Follow the instructions and check the boxes depending on your choice (e.g. for all components in Content and Course Files as shown below) then click Continue.
Confirm (or Modify if you feel you selected the wrong components), then click Finish.
You will see a progress indicator then a message to say the copy has been completed. The View Content button will show you the content you have copied.
An alternative to this process is to Export Components from one unit/module and Import in another. The result is the same and the process takes a few more clicks. Our advice, if you want to copy between sites, is to follow the process above.