Quick Start Guide to MEDIAL and ClickView
If you can not lecture face to face, you can use MEDIAL to upload existing lecture recording and link them into Brightspace. You can also use MEDIAL to record new lectures.
If you would like to make your own lectures more interactive or use already existing documentaries, we would recommend to consider ClickView.
ClickView is an off-air TV recording platform which offers you a large number of videos (from movies to documentaries). In addition, ClickView lets you annotate videos offered by them as well as your own videos (i.e. lectures you could upload into your MEDIAL workspace) with further information or quiz questions to give students a chance to test their understanding and to keep them engaged.
MEDIAL - General information and uploading videos
You should not upload videos directly into Brightspace. If you would like to provide students with your own videos or lecture recordings, you would use the university's streaming service, MEDIAL.
If you would like to learn more about editing the details of your video in MEDIAL, refer to the guidance on Editing Details of Uploaded Videos.
If you would like to learn more about viewing videos in MEDIAL, refer to the guidance on Viewing a video.
If you would like to learn more about linking to or embedding a MEDIAL video in Brightspace, refer to the guidance on Embeding/Linking videos from the UHI Streaming Server.
If you would like to learn more about privacy in MEDIAL, refer to the guidance on Privacy and the Media Library.
Aside from storing videos in MEDIAL, you can also use it to give students video assignment. If you would like to learn more about privacy in MEDIAL, refer to the guidance on Video Assignments in Brightspace.
MEDIAL - Lecture recording
If you would like to record a new lecture, follow the steps below to record your lecture using the UHI streaming service, MEDIAL.
To start, go to stream.uhi.ac.uk and login. (Figure 1)
Once logged in, click the record screen button at the top of the page. (Figure 2)
Figure 1: MEDIAL minibar at the top of the screen with Login symbol on the far right-hand side
Figure 2: MEDIAL minibar at the top of the screen after logging in (including the Record screen option)
You will be presented with a window asking you to launch the medial app (this application is installed on all college computers). (Figure 3)
Figure 3: Launch MEDIAL app window
When the Medial app opens you will be given options of how you want to record your screen you can:
- record your screen with audio.
- record your screen WebCam and audio.
- record only your WebCam and audio.
- record only your audio.
(Figure 4)
Figure 4: MEDIAL app home screen
Once you have selected the appropriate recording function, you will be asked which screen you want to capture. Unless you use multiple screens with your computer, there should only be one option in the Medial window. Now select whether you want to record your entire screen or just a select area. If you choose to only record an area of your screen you will be asked to draw a box around the portion of the screen you wish to record. (Figure 5)
Figure 5: Screen Capture Options window
Once you click record, an automatic countdown will begin. Once the countdown reaches zero, the recording will begin. (Figure 6)
Present your lecture as you normally would.
Recording controls allow you to pause and resume your video. You can also use the "draw" function to annotate your screen whilst live. (Figure 7)
Figure 6: Countdown to the start of the recording
Figure 7: Recording controls
Once you have finished your presentation, click done at the bottom right of the medial window. (Figure 8)
You will now be presented with the opportunity to trim your lecture; add a title slide or add credits to the end. (Figure 9)
Figure 8: Recording controls with the Done button
Figure 9: Lecture preview with option to cut
After clicking done, you will then be presented with a window where you can enter the information related to your lecture. You can then choose to upload this directly to the medial servers, from which you can share your content with your students, or you can save the video to your computer for further editing.
You should remember to give your video a title, description and a category. (Figure 10)
To embed the video in Brightspace, refer to the guide on Embedding/Linking videos from the UHI streaming server.
Figure 10: Details and Upload options
Besides your own videos in MEDIAL videos and lectures, you can also use the ClickView service. ClickView is an off-air TV recording platform which offers you a large number of videos (from movies to documentaries). In addition, ClickView lets you annotate videos offered by them as well as your own videos (i.e. lectures you could upload into your MEDIAL workspace) with further information or quiz questions to give students a chance to test their understanding and to keep them engaged.
To access the ClickView platform, sign into ClickView with your UHI login credentials.
For more general information about ClickView, check out the UHI ClickView guidance page in Sharepoint.
Once you have created your own annotated videos or videos with quiz questions, it is really easy to get these videos into Brightspace.
Simply, select Create a File from the Upload/Create drop-down menu in the content area. (Figure 11)
Enter a title for the file and click on the Insert Stuff button in the top left-hand side corner of the text editor. (Figure 12)
This will open the ClickView integration.
From the top menu, select Workspace where you will see all your edited videos.
Select the video you would like to use, and choose a size from the Add drop-down menu on the right-hand side.
Click the blue Next button at the bottom of the pop-up window. (Figure 14)
You will now see a preview of the ClickView video you will add to your page.
Click on the blue Insert button at the bottom of the page to insert the video into the text editor. (Figure 15)