Reflecting on professional practice
Reflecting on your teaching practice in assessment, feedback and feedforward is a fundamental part of enhancing your own professional practice. This resource aims to support you to reflect on your practice, identify and apply changes and review the impact of these changes.
Recording the way you enhance your professional practice is important, not just to keep a record of your continuous professional development but, by sharing your findings, you can also have a positive impact on your own students, your colleagues and their students.
Taking part in peer reviews and providing opportunities for your students to offer feedback throughout the teaching term are some of the ways you can reflect on your own and your colleagues’ professional practice.

College tutor with student - Shutterstock
About these resources
This resource consists of text, audio and video and it may be accessed on any device.
Assessment feedback feedforward policy and guidance
This Policy is to be read in conjunction with the guidance document. The policy and guidance applies to all HE provision.
A number of staff contributed and provided content, case studies, advice and guidance and peer review including HISA representatives. Particular thanks are due to these names listed.