The University of the Highlands and Islands uses Brightspace as its Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The VLE is the web-based platform that enables students to access learning resources, communicate with lecturers and other students and provides the facility for submitting assignments online.
The VLE is a fundamental part of the university’s curriculum delivery and provides a learning environment where students can become familiar and build their knowledge and skills in their discipline and in digital literacy. Importantly, the VLE is supported by the institution through an IT infrastructure which encompasses curriculum delivery across every academic partner and every programme.
This guidance aims to support you in creating and enhancing the delivery of learning in a blended or online environment. It will help you create learning experiences which meet the needs of you and your students. The guidance is accompanied by a VLE checklist which can be used as a starting point to assist in the development and maintenance of your module space. The topics explored within this guidance are:
- delivery models
- course planning and design
- communication and collaboration
- Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
VLE Checklist
Download the Brightspace VLE Checklist as an aid when developing your VLE space.
The word ‘module’ is used to denote modules and units.

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If further assistance is required with accessibility matters please contact the student support section in your academic partner UHI: Accessing learner support.
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UHI provides links to external sources of information and may refer to specific Web sites, products, processes or services within this resource. Such references are examples and are not endorsements and whilst every effort is taken to ensure the accuracy of information provided UHI is not responsible for any of the content or guidance. You are advised to exercise caution.
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