
Before you shoot your video it is advisable to provide your subjects with some basic information about what to wear and what not to wear.


Certain clothing and accessories can present a problem for video recording.

Patterns – clothing with pinstripes, herringbone or zig-zag patterns can create a flashing effect called moiré. This is caused by the scan frequency of the television interacting with the frequency of the pattern.

High contrast – video can have difficulty if there is too much contrast so avoid black and white. Dark skinned people should avoid wearing a white shirt and light skinned people should avoid wearing black shirt.

Colour – reds and oranges should be avoided as they tend to glow and bleed across into adjacent object

Shape and fit – video has a tendency to make people look heavier than they are. This is due to them being to sole focus of the shoot. Without context around them the subject dominates the screen, looking larger than life. To mitigate against this effect the subject should try to wear something that emphasises shape so that the subject does not look square and lumpy.



It is likely that when you are shooting video you will be using a lot of light. Shiny objects reflect light and can become a distraction when recorded. Subjects should avoid wearing anything large and sparkly such as dangly earrings, large bracelets, large rings, etc. Simple jewellery such as coloured stone, pearls and non-reflective materials work best.

Image: Dangle, shiny earrings


If you are shooting outdoors be aware that hair can be blown around in the wind. Coupled with bright light this can create some surreal effects. ‘Big hair’ can also cause shadows. For longer hair it is best to tie it up or put it in a ponytail.

Image: A ponytail
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