Missing item

This type of quiz question is useful for providing the learner with an opportunity to revise the learning material.

  • Words  - missing from a phrase, sentence or list.
  • Visual - missing image as part of a sequence, missing part or label for a diagram or missing number in a sequence
  • Audio - spoken sentence with missing word as a blip - this would be mostly useful for languages subjects  e.g. Gaelic.


Read these notes and then fill in the missing words below.

Word bank

  • weeds
  • October
  • ploughed
  • boron
  • eelworm
  • glyphosate
  • highest
  • insecticide
  • June
  • nitrogen
  • seed
  • catch
  • light
  • pH
  • seedbed
  • hectare

Fodder beet needs soils with good drainage to grow well, and in the right conditions it is one of the yielding fodder crops. Seed bed preparation is important and the field should be to a good depth to allow the roots to grow freely and the of the soil should be 6.5-7. Organic manures are ideal feed for this crop because they release their nutrients between and which is when the crop is growing at its highest rate. should also be applied to the to feed the germinating seedlings at a rate of 40kg per . Sodium, magnesium, manganese and may need to be added if the soil is deficient.

Weed control is very important for fodder beet and perennial weeds can be controlled with spray, smothering with a crop or ploughing. Inter-row cultivators can be used to control between rows. Wireworm can be a problem for fodder beet and can be controlled by treatment. Aphids and flea beetles can be controlled with spray, but leatherjackets and beet cyst can also be an issue and are difficult to control.

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