Unfolding story
An unfolding story can be created using a verification feature. This prevents the learner from moving to the next question until they answer the first one correctly. The output from the first question can also be carried to the following question, thus building on previous knowledge.
This technique can also be used to create secure answers where a code is required in order to reveal the answer. This prevents 'happy clicking' where the learner automatically clicks the reveal instead of attempting the question.
To see how this works, input the lock code for this example, which is: 83241
This type of quiz question is complex to create and would involve a significant amount of planning and development time. It is best used as a bespoke or feature item rather than multiple questions.
Native/semi-natural woodland
Look up the scientific names for the following species:
- Scots Pine
- Juniper
- Birch
- Rowan
- Aspen
- Oak
- Hazel
- Holly
- Hawthorn
- Bird Cherry
- Willow
- Ash
Enter the lockcode provided by your tutor:
A1 native/semi-natural woodland
- Scots Pine / Pinus sylvestris
- Juniper / Juniperus communis
- Birch / Betula pendula
- Rowan / Sorbus aucuparia
- Aspen / Populus tremula
- Oak / Quercus robur
- Hazel / Corylus avellana
- Holly / Ilex spp.
- Hawthorn / Crataegus spp.
- Bird-Cherry / Prunus padus
- Willows / Salix spp.
- Ash / Fraxinus spp.
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