Multiple choice

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) can be based on text, images, diagrams or listening to audio/watching a video clip and choosing the correct option.

MCQs are probably the most commonly used question type due to their perceived ease of creation, however, it requires considerable thought and preparation to produce high quality questions and a meaningful list of options.

The question and options should be written so that the learner learns something from the question even if they get it wrong, and should have their knowledge reinforced if they get it correct.

Important points:

  • The alternative answers should be realistic and look similar in length with similar sentence structure.
  • The answers should be random and follow no discernible patterns e.g. alternate questions answer 'A' or cycle through A, B, C, D.
  • Clear instruction as to whether there is one or more than one correct answer. Ideally keep to having only 1 correct answer.
  • Use options of ‘All of the above’ or 'None of the above' very sparingly as the ‘All of the above’ option can encourage guessing if the learner thinks one or two answers are correct. Using ‘None of the above’ means that you can’t tell if the learner really knew the correct answer or was just guessing.
  • Don't ask trick questions or use trick options where the reading of the question is being tested and not the actual knowledge required to answer it.


Decide which of these soils have high organic matter content and which have low. Remember, it’s all about the colour!

Check answers

Useful links

University of Texas at Austin: Multiple Choice Questions

Vanderbilt University: Writing Good Multiple Choice Test Questions

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