Planning content
When designing your learning environment the primary factors that influence the final product include:
- Personal – your areas of expertise and specific interests will influence where you place more emphasis.
- Institutional – your institution will have its own set of standards and expectations, usually laid out by the Learning and Teaching department. At UHI we have The Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy, a values-based strategy designed to provide a 'common language' to support the development, sharing, and enhancement of learning, teaching and assessment practice across the university. Also, in SLO 'Preparing your module / unit / course for online delivery' RLO.
- Governmental – funding, assessment and curriculum bodies such as SQA will have clear expectations of your delivery. At some point during the life of your course you will be required to demonstrate that you have met these expectations.
- Industry/external – industry professional bodies and employers are becoming more involved in the direction that education is taking. Involvement of appropriate bodies and organisations is an excellent way to ensure that employer requirements are aligned with curriculum delivery thus increasing the possibility that our learners will be successful in gaining employment post education.

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