Core elements
Fundamentally, these models need to be underpinned by the following core elements:
- adherence to academic standards and quality regulations;
- learning and teaching materials aligned to learning outcomes, activities and assessment;
- a consistent and accessible learning environment;
- a supportive learning environment underpinned by effective communication practices;
- a flexible approach to learning.
In practice the online student may be engaged through techniques such as:
- regular communications with their lecturer;
- lectures / discussions that contain a voice [audio] – augmented presentation as currently offered by the traditional face to face lecture;
- opportunities to discuss issues with fellow class members;
- timely, informative and appropriate feedback;
- well-structured, logically sequenced learning with clear and obvious navigation;
- clearly set out expectations;
- a range of appropriate tools that allow the task to be completed as required;
- regular opportunities to track learner progress [e.g. formative assessment].

All efforts have been made to ensure materials created by the EDU comply with current accessibility guidelines (JISC: Support for learners with disabilities).
If further assistance is required with accessibility matters please contact the student support section in your academic partner UHI: Accessing learner support.
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