Assessment information and publication
- Write or update your coursework assessment guidelines for completion, submission deadlines and feedback/feedforward return date; these must be made available to students at the outset of the unit/module.
- Publish in the programme handbook, unit/module materials, the VLE and/or workbook (as appropriate):
- marking criteria
- assessment format
- submission requirements
- submission date and
- feedback / feedforward return date.
- For all digital assessments identify the most effective UHI core technology for submission and receipt of coursework. Students may only submit digital assessments using their UHI id and password. Technologies that may be used for submission are Brightspace (a Turnitin assignment may be created in Brightspace), Mahara, Medial, UHI dropbox and UHI email. Digital assessments may not be submitted via any other technology, this includes cloud apps such as Google, UHI OneDrive, MS OneDrive and
- For non-digital assessments identify the means of submission and receipt of coursework.
- Check that students have received instructions on how to submit an assessment and how they will receive their receipt.
- Include information on what students should do if they have submission problems.
- Check assessment cover and return sheets are up-to-date. The Assessment feedback and feedforward policy was approved by the Academic Council on 27th March 2014. All cover/feedback sheets should comply with the policy. Here’s the required full field list (to which you may add additional fields to meet your needs):
- Module title
- Student number
- Question in full
- Date submitted
- A checklist to ensure the student has done all that is required
- Lecturer contact number
- Lecturer email
- Feedback/feedforward return date
- Feedback
- Feedforward
- Marks allocated by first marker
- Marks allocated by second marker
- Agreed mark – to be confirmed by the Exam Board following marker discussion.
If you use Turnitin, include the following information:

Before you start teaching