During the shoot


Reduce background noises as much as possible. The speaker needs to be the most prominent source of audio and loud enough for play back. Increasing audio after filming will also increase unwanted background noise.


Ensure the subject is illuminated. If back lit (e.g. in front of window) ensure an additional (spot) light is directed on the subject to counter silhouetting.

Lead In

Start recording slightly before the beginning of action or speech to avoid cut offs when editing. There is often a slight shake at the beginning of the footage that needs to be cut out.

Lead Out

End recording slightly after the action or speech to avoid cut offs when editing. Consider the fade out of a clip once the speaker has finished talking. This may require a few extra seconds of footage before you stop recording.


Keep sections short and concise for easier editing. Make sure there is a lead in and lead out between sections.

(Hint - If you intend to use an important sentence as a sound bite make sure the speaker doesn’t run into another sentence. You might end up having to cut in the middle of a word).

Continuous running

Too many short clips can lead to large increases in the tie it takes to organise your video when you get to the editing stage. Continue to record between short sections as this will keep your footage together and give context to content.

This also minimises the potential of missing the start or end of a comment by pressing record too late or stop too early.


Keep both camera and subject in the same position for the length of shoot for consistency of editing. Additional shots can be made to be cut in. Repeat content from different angles if required.


When recording an interview record the questions and the answers separately. Position the interviewee and interviewer so that edited footage appears natural. e.g. Interviewer on right of screen looking left with interviewee on left of screen looking right.

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